The reason sitting is a real pain in the neck (and back)
You have probably experienced these symptoms – a pain in the neck, stress on the lower back or on one side of the back. And to get relief, you constantly adjust your position and often lean on one side or forward. The reason is often the same – your back is being supported only by a few points that are in contact with your cushion and your spine is not in a neutral position.

Why our Back-Float cushion works
There are 3 layers in our cushion - fluid, air and foam - and they fill in all ‘gaps’ between your back and the seat back, and increase the support area for your back. With a larger support area, there is no high pressure from any particular areas on your back. The fluid layer also moves freely inside a bladder and it dissipates pressure to the sides of the cushion. This reduces back pain and helps maintain a neutral spine position.